Mayor calls plan to combat anti-black racism an important first step
Nene Kwasi Kafele (center) and Winston Husbands (left) speak with Toronto Mayor John Tory about the city’s draft anti-black racism action plan, released Saturday at city hall.

Black Lives Matter Toronto and other members of the black community say they’re cautiously optimistic about the city’s new draft anti-black racism action plan. That action plan has 21 recommendations for the city including the creation of a black caucus at City Hall, hiring more black people for city jobs and overhauling the discipline process for the Toronto Police Service.

John Tory
Black Lives Matter Toronto and other members of the black community say they’re cautiously optimistic about the city’s new draft anti-black racism action plan.

Leonard Reece
Leonard Reece, a youth advocate who helps young people in crisis, says he was one of the strongest advocates for the SAPACCY program “back in the day.” Now, he no longer sends kids to the program which is operated by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Richard Lautens / Toronto Star